Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Florence
European Laboratory for
Non Linear Spectroscopy (LENS)
Via Nello Carrara 1
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Italy)
Phone: +39 055 457 2480
Laboratory for Advanced Biological Sensing
We are working on several topics ranging from single molecule biophysics, to biomedical imaging, neuro imaging, and big data machine learning.

Areas of Investigation
In single molecule biophysics we investigate both in-vitro and in-vivo systems by using handling strategies based on fast and highly sensitive optical manipulation coupled to single molecule detection with high sensitivity and co-localisation accuracy.
In biomedical imaging we develop spectroscopic and imaging tools to detect tissue disease in collaboration with hospitals for clinical research. New advanced microscopy techniques are established to detect morpho-functional aspects in brain. Finally, the big data produced by high throughput, high resolution and high speed imaging techniques is managed, processed and analysed through machine learning approaches.