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A landmark scientific and cultural event to establish an International Network in Neuroaesthetics


The Neuroaesthetics Laboratory at Museo Galileo marks a groundbreaking milestone, as it is the first scientific laboratory within a museum in Italy. This initiative represents a significant step forward in the study of how the human brain perceives and interacts with art and aesthetics through scientific and neuroscientific methodologies.

The official inauguration took place on 7 March 2024, featuring a morning session attended by prominent institutional representatives, including:

  • Fabrizio Cobis (Ufficio II DG Ricerca, Ministry of University and Research),
  • Alessandra Petrucci (Rector of the University of Florence),
  • Elisabetta Cerbai (Director of LENS),
  • Francesco Pavone (President of Museo Galileo),
  • Roberto Ferrari (Executive Director of Museo Galileo).

The event then continued into the afternoon with a scientific programme, bringing together national and international experts in the field of neuroaesthetics. Approximately 25 speakers delivered short presentations (5 minutes each), covering key topics in the discipline. The hybrid-format event will allow both in-person and remote participation.

Building a Global Network in Neuroaesthetics

The afternoon session concluded with a roundtable discussion, aiming to lay the foundation for an international neuroaesthetics network. This initiative has been supported by cutting-edge technologies and data analysis methodologies, facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration across institutions.

Additionally, this meeting will serve as a launchpad for joint European funding applications under the COST Action Programme, coordinated by LENS. The ambition is to integrate neuroaesthetics research into broader scientific and cultural frameworks, fostering partnerships across disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, and the arts.

Confirmed Speakers

A distinguished panel of experts has participated, including:

  • Alberto Sanna, Neuroestetica Fotografica, Milan, IT
  • Anna Ciaunica, University of Lisbon, PT
  • Annalisa Cicerchia, Cultural Welfare Center, Turin, IT
  • Antonella Poce, Roma Tre University, IT
  • Antonia Hamilton, UCL, London, UK
  • Bruno Neri, University of Pisa, IT
  • Daniele Volpe, Fresco Parkinson Institute, Florence, IT
  • Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi, Nodes, IT
  • Federico Borreani, BAM! Strategie Culturali, Bologna, IT
  • Francesca Rosenberg, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NY, USA
  • Giorgio Albiani, Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, Florence, IT
  • Guido Orgs, UCL, London, UK
  • Kornelia Kiss, Culture Action Europe (CAE), Brussels, BG
  • Luca Ioseffini, Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Florence, IT
  • Rachele Gracci, ISIA, Florence, IT
  • Raffaella Lecchi, Fondazione per l’Architettura Torino, IT
  • Simona Costa, Tour4Europe, Brussels, BG
  • Tal Dotan Ben Soussan, Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti, Rome, IT
  • Virginia Moniaci, Sutura-Culture and Health, Turin, IT

The Neuroaesthetics Laboratory represents an innovative fusion of science, art, and cultural studies, fostering an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how aesthetic experiences influence human perception, emotions, and cognitive processes.

This event was a crucial moment for the international scientific and cultural community, reinforcing Museo Galileo and LENS’s commitment to advancing knowledge at the intersection of neuroscience and the arts.