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Chiara Noferini

PhD Student

Chiara Noferini received her bachelor’s degree in Psychological Science and Techniques (2019) and master’s degree in Clinical Health Psychology and Neuropsychology from the University of Florence (2021). In 2022, she attended the Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Area and Child Health (NEUROFARBA) department during her postgraduate internship and consequently was a research fellow at the the Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory (NEUROFARBA) for one year dealing with a project concerning inhibitory control processes during cooperative and competitive tasks in musicians and athletes, supervised by Prof. M.Pia Viggiano and F.Giovannelli. She has just started International PhD in Atomic and Molecular Photonics at the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS) within the research group of Prof. F.S.Pavone. Her research project will focus on Measurements on human central and peripheral nervous system with biometric sensors in healthy populations and those with psychopathologies, with association to art and social contexts.