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Giuseppe de Vito
Giuseppe de Vito is a type-A fixed-term researcher in psychobiology and physiological psychology at the Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Pharmacology and Child Health of the University of Florence. Giuseppe de Vito studied Biology at the University of Pisa and at the Scuola Normale Superiore and then licensed as a professional biologist. He obtained a Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics at Scuola Normale Superiore in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology at the NEST institute in Pisa and successfully followed a second-level professional master programme in Advanced Biostatistics at University of Padova.
Former Junior Specialist at University of California-Irvine (USA, in the laboratory of Prof. Eric O. Potma), he worked as a research fellow first at the Italian Institute of Technology in Pisa and then at the European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy in Florence. After that, he worked as a researcher at National Institute of Optics of the Italian National Research Council. His research work focuses on non-linear optical microscopy of biological samples with different modalities.
Specially, he is experienced with building and operating cutting-edge microscopy setups, in particular for coherent Raman imaging, light-sheet microscopy and non-linear microscopy. In addition, he has expertise in scientific data analysis and in digital analysis of complex image dataset with custom-made low-level image processing software.