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The new PhD programme in Art, Technology and Perception is a collaborative initiative by LABS – Laboratory for Advanced Biological Sensing and Conservatorio di Musica “Luigi Cherubini” of Florence


LABS is proud to announce its involvement in a new PhD programme in “Art, Technology, and Perception,” developed in partnership with the Conservatorio di Musica “Luigi Cherubini” of Florence. This programme represents a significant innovation in Italy, bridging the disciplines of art, music, and science.

Set to begin in the 2024/2025 academic year, this doctoral course offers a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach, exploring and optimising the interactions between audio-visual stimuli to create more effective and engaging user experiences. The primary aim is to investigate how formal characteristics in music, visual arts, and plastic arts influence physiological and cognitive responses. The programme will focus on both the production and reception of works across various contexts, employing advanced scientific methodologies and data analysis techniques.

This programme is especially notable for its collaborative nature, bringing together artists and scientists from diverse backgrounds. This synergy will foster innovative solutions and advance knowledge across fields, potentially revolutionising how sensory experiences are crafted and perceived.

Applications are open until 3 September 2024, with nine fully funded positions available. The programme will be conducted in the facilities of the Conservatorio, the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, and the Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche di Firenze. Successful candidates will embark on a three-year journey, beginning in November 2024, that promises to push the boundaries of artistic and scientific exploration.

For further details and application procedures, please refer to the official call for applications.