
The detection of specific molecules within an organism and their correlation with a certain pathology or psychophysical state of the subject is increasingly important both for diagnosis and the prevention and treatment of pathological states, as well as for the study of the psychobiological status of the organism.
The use of photonic sensors based on multidimensional spectroscopy coupled with data analysis techniques allows to perform online biopsies without tissue removal or to analyse body biological fluids. Nanosensing research is focused on the synergetic coupling of fibre-based spectroscopic techniques, mainly surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), with (micro-) nano-structured platforms engineered to handle a small volume of samples and to perform multiple analyses in parallel avoiding cross-contamination. Polymeric devices are realized by combining traditional and advanced manufacturing techniques (e.g. laser-based 3D printing technologies) enabling high design flexibility. SERS-active devices are then realized through selective immobilization of metal nanoparticles whose resonant and chemical properties can be tailored to achieve the highest signal enhancement from the target analytes.
Outcomes and impact
Online and liquid biopsies represent an extremely promising diagnostic system which, due to its minimal invasiveness, is easily applicable in hospital and home settings. This technique allows to make the diagnosis earlier, and follows patients in real-time in follow-up situations or healthy people through wearable sensors, helping them follow a correct lifestyle.
More details
Nanosensing research line aims at developing novel multifunctional optical sensors enabling for smart applications in chemical and biological sensing through the molecular screening of samples with improved sensitivity towards selective analytes. Currently, the optical targeting of pathological biomarkers, highly diluted either in biofluids or in biopsies, represents the main topic of experimental work with great potential as diagnostic tools. To this end, the Nanosensing research is focused on the synergetic coupling of fiber-based spectroscopic techniques, mainly surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), with (micro-) nano-structured platforms engineered to handle small volume of samples and to perform multiple analysis in parallel avoiding cross contamination. Polymeric devices are realized by combining traditional and advanced manufacturing techniques (e.g. laser-based 3D printing technologies) enabling for high design flexibility. SERS-active devices are then realized through selective immobilization of metal nanoparticles whose resonant and chemical properties can be tailored to achieve the highest signal enhancement from the target analytes. Particular attention is devoted to liquid biopsies analysis and analysis of fluids in general.