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Explore a unique career opportunity with LABS: High-resolution 3D Imaging of the Human Brainstem. Apply now to contribute to groundbreaking neuroscience research and technological innovation in optical microscopy and data management.

Large-scale reconstruction of the human brain at subcellular resolution poses significant technological challenges, that involve both optical microscopy and data management. In this context, the candidate will work on a custom-made light-sheet fluorescence microscope to perform 3D high-resolution imaging of cleared human brainstem samples. In detail, he/she will work on the implementation of the optical system and of the electronic and computing interface needed for microscope operation in order to obtain solid and reliable results. Special focus will be put to speed up acquisition as much as possible and to provide a robust and easy-to-operate control software.
The candidate will also be in charge of acquiring the data on the whole human brainstem, and of presenting results through scientific papers and conferences.

The deadline for submitting the application for the selections is 11/01/2024.

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