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Victoria Barygina


Dr Victoria Barygina was laureate as a Physiologist (cell biologist and histologist) at the Department of Biology, Moscow state University M.V.Lomonosov (MSU) in 2007 and continued her studies as a Ph.D. student of MSU working in collaboration with the Institute of bioorganic chemistry Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, on pathogenesis of scleroderma on the cellular model in vitro with the use of live confocal microscopy and genetic engineering techniques. In 2010 she started a new Ph.D. at the University of Florence (UNIFI), in Italy, on pathogenesis of common dermatologic diseases, psoriasis and vitiligo, from the point of view of redox biology on primary skin cells and complex cellular structures (co-cultures) in vitro. Almost 9 years of research conducted at the lab of oxidative Medicine, UNIFI, brought her to publish a number of articles in peer reviewed journals and book chapters. The particular interest of her studies was devoted to the mechanisms of NADPH oxidase 4 activity in health and disease. In 2020 she obtained a master degree in psychobiology and started to collaborate with the Institute of Neuroscience, Florence, studying the diet as an adjuvant therapy for psychiatric patients. From 2022 she works in the group of Prof. Francesco Pavone, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UNIFI, as a psychobiologist and cell biologist participating in the interdisciplinary projects dealing with the bio signals of mental health and well-being and working on the development of skin metabolome bio-sensors.